
您所在的位置:网站首页 early 是什么意思 early是什么意思


2023-08-30 20:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1.(指在通常的时间之前)早,提早,提前Early means before the usual time that a particular event or activity happens.


e.g. I knew I had to get upearly...我知道我得早起。e.g. Why do we have to go to bed soearly?为什么我们那么早就得上床睡觉?

2.早期的;初期的Early means near the beginning of a day, week, year, or other period of time.

e.g. ...in the 1970s and theearly 1980s.在20世纪70年代以及80年代早期e.g. ...a few weeks inearly summer...初夏的几个星期

3.(指在原定或预计的时间之前)早,提早,提前Early means before the time that was arranged or expected.

e.g. She arrivedearly to secure a place at the front...为了能占个靠前的位置,她提早到了。e.g. The first snow came a month earlier than usual.第一场雪比往年提早了一个月。

4.(历史时期或事物存续期)早期的,初期的Early means near the beginning of a period in history, or in the history of something such as the world, a society, or an activity.

e.g. ...theearly stages of pregnancy.怀孕初期e.g. ...Fassbinder'searly films...法斯宾德的早期影片

5.(作品、过程等)开始阶段的Early means near the beginning of something such as a piece of work or a process.

e.g. ...the book'searly chapters.书的开头几章

6.(植物)早开花的,早熟的Early refers to plants which flower or crop before or at the beginning of the main season.

e.g. ...theseearly cabbages and cauliflowers.这些早熟卷心菜和花椰菜

7.(传闻、迹象等)最早的,最初的Early reports or indications of something are the first reports or indications about it.

e.g. Theearly indications look encouraging...开初的迹象看起来令人鼓舞。e.g. Earlier reports that troops opened fire are now being denied.有关军队开火的最初传闻现在遭到了否认。

8.早在You can useas early as to emphasize that a particular time or period is surprisingly early.

e.g. Inflation could fall back into single figures asearly as this month.通货膨胀率最早有可能在本月就回落至个位数。e.g. ...asearly as 1838.早在1838年

9.言之过早;为时尚早If you say about something that might be true thatit is early days, you mean that it is too soon for you to be completely sure about it.

e.g. The chances of Francis eventually becoming manager of England are perhaps higher. It isearly days, of course, and he has yet to win anything.弗朗西斯最终成为英格兰队主教练的几率可能更高。当然,现在这样说为时尚早,他还没赢过呢。




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